Gauss Liquidity Program
Every team launching fungible tokens with Gauss will receive liquidity!
Gauss will be pairing GANG with new tokens launched within our ecosystem to provide more stability and to prevent teams from rug pulling their communities, protecting each community individually and the whole ecosystem collectively.
This program serves the dual functions of providing liquidity for new products and adds an anti-rug security measure. Our goal with Gauss is to provide a safe & secure, high quality, and high integrity ecosystem.
The amount provided will vary, but we are generally looking to pair 10-20% of a new token's total supply with GANG. LP tokens received from this pairing will be locked up and Gauss will not sell or liquidate the new tokens received from any team at any time, for any reason.
All specifics (percent of total supply acquired, new token value, GANG amount paired, etc) will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will evolve over time as our ecosystem evolves.
Gauss V2: Omnipool Liquidity
This program is certainly not sustainable long term (beyond the four year schedule to release GANG) without plans to somehow replenish our GANG supply for pairing. When we launch our omnipool on Gauss, we will have single asset liquidity staking. This will allow us to launch any number of new tokens on Gauss simultaneously, placing that percentage of total supply for each new token directly into the omnipool without the need of pairing it directly with GANG.
Last updated