Sourcify Plugin

Sourcify Plugin for Hardhat

Similar to the hardhat verification plugin, this plugin submits the contract source and other info of all deployed contracts to Sourcify.

1) Tune Hardhat environment. For seamless usage, you should setup your environment following this tutorial (note, it will take an hour or so to run through). In this example we setup to use the Sokol test network. See the Hardhat Verification Tutorial for more information on the config file setup.

2) Deploy contract. More deployment details here. Note that we run from node_modules.bin\hardhat to circumvent package.json warning and use --network sokol to specify the network.

D:\test>yarn hardhat --network sokol deploy
yarn run v1.22.17 
warning package.json: No license field 
$ D:\test\node_modules.bin\hardhat --network sokol deploy 
Nothing to compile deploying "Greeter" (tx: 0x32d11b11a547c126a4763be963f6acd0bb4f87ee7d7627e36f7d9009c57c6182)...: deployed at 0xBEA47De7132cF44D6b16617154CAA247b6568eaD with 528275 gas 
Done in 18.81s.

3) Verify contract.

D:\test>yarn hardhat --network sokol sourcify
yarn run v1.22.17
warning package.json: No license field
$ D:\test\node_modules\.bin\hardhat --network sokol sourcify
verifying Greeter (0xBEA47De7132cF44D6b16617154CAA247b6568eaD on chain 77) ...
 => contract Greeter is now verified
Done in 5.74s.

4) Confirm verification in BlockScout. Go to your BlockScout instance and paste the contract address into the search bar. If verified, the code tab will display a green checkmark.

Selecting the Code tab will show additional information about your contract.

Contract Verification via Sourcify

Along with contract verification through a flattened source file (the default option in Blockscout), a Sourcify API verification option is also available. The Verification with Sourcify feature is enabled in the xDai instance of Blockscout and available in version 3.7.0+. Projects who want to use this feature need to set the following ENV variables.


Usage Example

Verify your contract using Sourcify:

  1. Open the address page for the contract you want to verify, switch to Code tab, and click Verify & Publish button.

  1. Choose Sources and metadata JSON file option and click the Next button.

  1. On the next screen, you will see a drop field where you will add files.

  1. Drag and drop (or click the button to add files from your computer) all .sol files used by the target contract you want to verify and the .json file containing the contract's metadata. For example, this .json is created by Truffle in ./build/contracts folder after truffle compile. If your contract has linked libraries you should also drag & drop .json files _for those libraries. Once all files are added, start verification by clicking the _Verify & Publish button.

  1. After several seconds your contract should be verified through Sourcify's API (If verification fails, you will see the reason in the dropzone). Verification metadata will be saved in the Blockscout DB and you will see the verified contract page with the link to the same metadata in the Sourcify contract repository (chain ID is 100 for the xDai chain).

Example Contract:

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